Privacy Sheers2021-01-25T17:06:46+00:00

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LUMINETTE® Privacy Sheers


Have light when you want it and privacy when you need it. To create a softly filtered glow, Luminette® Privacy Sheers combine a sheer fabric with vertical vanes attached to the back of the sheer. These vanes can rotate up to 180°, giving you precise light control and privacy. Luminette sheers are the perfect choice for wide expanses of glass, sliding doors and other vertical applications.

KEY FEATURES2021-01-19T17:17:03+00:00
  • Concealed Hardware—When your sheers are closed, our SofTrak™ hardware system is concealed by the fabric for a polished look. This proprietary system makes operation easy and reliable.
  • Sheer Fabrics & Textures—Luminette sheers are available in a wide variety of fabrics, textures and colors. A room-darkening option is also available in all selections.
  • Accents by the Yard™—All Luminette fabrics are available in cut yardage, so you can coordinate fabrics and create decorative accents like pillows and duvets.
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